Our Guide for How to Best Prepare for University Life in 2024

Photo of students on university campus, having prepared for university life

Going to university is a huge leap; it may well be the first time you’ve lived away from home, and you’ll be learning to manage not just your studies but your accommodation, finances and food.  Spending some time preparing for all aspects of university life before you start will ease the transition greatly, so that you can fully enjoy the excitements of your first term. So, whether you’re waiting for university offers, preparing to meet the conditions of your offer, or already have a secured place, make sure to follow the following suggestions.

Do Your Research

Do you know what material you’ll be covering in your first year? Will you have optional courses, or are all your modules compulsory? This is important information; if you have choice as to which courses you’ll take, it’s a good idea to get thinking about your options early on, so that you can start any preparatory reading in advance. Additionally, do some research about the extracurricular activities on offer at your chosen university; apart from being a great way to get excited about starting, doing research about extracurriculars is helpful so that you don’t get overwhelmed at the Freshers’ Fair.  If you’re interested in music or sport, there may be auditions or try-outs in the first week; make sure you find out when these will be so that you don’t miss them!

Plan Your Budget

Budgeting is a very important skill which you will develop at university. Work out where your finances will be coming from – if you’ll be getting a government loan, it’s best to apply for these early – and calculate how much you’ll have to spend per week. Think about your different expenditures, such as accommodation, food, textbooks, clothes, personal items and socialising, and allocate funds accordingly.  Planning all of this in advance will mean that you don’t overspend when you first arrive.

Visit the University City

If you haven’t already, go and see the place where you’ll be living!  Most universities are happy for prospective students to look around the campus at any time, so you’ll be able to work out where everything is. For example, it’s a good idea to work out how far your faculty is from your accommodation; how will you be getting to lectures each day? Many students take up cycling, but walking, the bus and (if you’re in London) the tube are all good options.

Practise Cooking!

Even if you’ll be living in catered accommodation, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with a few recipes before you go to university.  If you’re self-catered, it’s vital!  Make sure you have a few healthy, affordable and quick recipes prepared for when you’re short for time during term.

Preparing For Uni

Join University Networks

There will be a Facebook group set up for Freshers before term starts, so make sure you join this as well as any relevant mailing lists to ensure that you receive all the important information which will be sent out. However, don’t worry if it all seems like a bit of an information overload!  Everything will become clear once you arrive.

Organise Your Technology

A laptop is every student’s most important tool, so make sure you’ve got one that works. If you’re thinking of buying a new computer before you go, think about what you’ll need your laptop to be able to do; for humanities students, you’ll mainly be using your laptop for word-processing, internet research and reading online resources, but science students may use programming and data-handling software. Make sure the computer you buy is equipped to perform the tasks you’ll be doing.

Use the Reading List

This last one is one of the most important things you can do to prepare if you’re going to Oxford or Cambridge. Reading lists are usually sent out in mid-July, giving you plenty of time to get through the list before term starts. Don’t leave it to the last minute! The more preparatory reading you do, the smoother your first term will be. This is especially true if you’ll be studying English, since you’ll have a lot of long novels which are best read in the holidays rather than rushed through during term. Try and get hold of all the books and textbooks you’ll need before term starts. Look in second-hand bookshops and online for the best deals, and find out whether any second years are selling their books online.

Preparing all of these things will put you in a great position when you arrive at university. Most of all, though, enjoy your time will friends and family before you go, and relax! You have a very exciting time ahead of you.

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